Marty McFly, 2015
God, how much I love this movie. And as every Back To The Future fan, I wish I could be able to afford a pair of Nike Air Mag. It's also for a good cause! They would be the best money I'd ever spend. And also as a proper futuristic girlonthemoon, dammit. Plus, my birthday is next week!
My main - man on the Moon - Kid Cudi (who lives next door) has got a pair, and so many other rappers and cool people on Tumblr.

Michael J. Fox, I love you.
haha, didn't you wish you had one too when you were a kid?!
I don't know if you saw my collection on my facebook page but I did it inspired on these movies, especially the second one 'cause that's when they go to the future... I cannot say how many times I've watched them since I was a kid.. I love them and I don't think I'll ever get tired of them.. such cool movies.. classic! I hope they never never want to do a re-make of them! These characters are just perfect